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About Us

In 1993, the Labor Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan extended the application of the Labor Safety and Health Act to include university laboratories, testing rooms, and training factories. According to Article 14, Section 1 of the Labor Safety and Health Act, our institution was required to establish a labor safety and health organization. As a result, following the announcement, the university actively began planning the establishment of the Laboratory Safety and Health Committee and the creation of the Safety and Health Office to handle related administrative tasks.


As the environmental protection workload increased, and in light of the Environmental Protection Administration's announcement of the Toxic Chemical Substances Management Regulations for academic institutions, the university decided to rename the Safety and Health Office to the Environmental and Safety Health Center on December 20, 1999, in order to effectively implement the management of toxic chemicals and environmental protection initiatives. Additionally, the Toxic Chemical Substances Management Committee was established (renamed in October 2023 as the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Management Committee), working alongside the existing Environmental and Safety Health Committee to provide consultation and assistance for the Center's operations.


On August 1, 2012, following an organizational restructuring at the university, the operations of the former Radiation Protection Administrative Office were integrated into this Center. Radiation protection-related duties and personnel were transferred to the Center to manage the administrative tasks, and the Radiation Protection Administrative Office was abolished.


In July 2013, the Labor Safety and Health Act was amended to become the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which was officially implemented by the Executive Yuan on July 3, 2014. The entire university was then brought under the purview of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In 2017, the Center reported the establishment of its management unit (personnel) and, in compliance with regulations, appointed one occupational nurse. Since then, the safety and health organizational structure of the university has been further refined.


The committees overseen by the Center at the institutional level include the Environmental and Safety Health Committee, the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Management Committee, and the Radiation Protection Committee. These committees coordinate the university's efforts in occupational safety, environmental protection, management of toxic and concerned chemical substances, radiation protection, and maternal health protection.